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With the new NFB-NEWSLINE® Online Publication Search, you can search through all NFB-NEWSLINE® content for a particular term or phrase. With this exciting new feature you can search to locate news stories regarding issues that are relevant to your career or class work, as well as stories that are of personal interest. You can, for example, search for "appellate court ruling" to see how an important court case that is of direct relevance to your industry was decided, or you can search for "Orioles" to see results for, and commentary on, the previous nights' game in which they played.

To use this new feature, first select the link for "Create New Search." On the next page, enter your desired search text in the user-entry field. This publication search feature allows you the ability to conduct your search through the widest possible scope, or to narrow the search parameters to only search for your term or phrase in specific publication types. By selecting the appropriate radio button for your desired search parameter within each search category, you can create a custom search so as to give you the best and most accurate search results for your specific needs.

Please note that, per search, you are only able to select one radio button for each search parameter option; that is, you cannot select the options for both "Newspapers" and "Magazines" in one search incidence. You can, if you wish, create two search types for a particular term or phrase, so that one search looks only in newspapers and the other looks for the search term only in magazines so as to specifically target your search for these two content types.

You can have the search conducted through several categories of publication issues; these are: All, Current, Previous, and Major. Selecting the radio button for "All" will mean that the search is conducted through all publications, regardless of issue status. If you want to only search through recent issues, select "Current," and likewise, if you want only to search through previous issues, select "Previous." If you only wish to conduct the search in our publications' major issues-usually the Sunday issue-select the radio button for "Major."

Next, determine the type of content from where the search is to be performed. You can choose to search for a term or phrase in all content types, or you can narrow your search to only look in newspapers (this category includes wire feeds), state information channels, or in magazines.

You are also able to refine your search so that it is conducted either through all NFB-NEWSLINE® content or through only your Web News on Demand-specific favorites.

Once you've finished creating your custom search, select the "Save" button. This will take you to the page listing your search type. You can from there request an e-mail of your search results, create new searches, or modify or delete the searches you've created previously.

Selecting the link for "Get E-mail Results" will generate a search and have an e-mail containing the results sent to the e-mail address provided in your subscriber account. After selecting the "Get E-mail Results" link you will be taken to a page confirming that the search is being conducted and provides the e-mail address to which the results are to be sent. Please verify that the e-mail address provided is the one to which you wish your results to be sent; if it is incorrect, please call (866) 504-7300 to correct it.

If you wish to modify either your search term or the content areas in which the search is to be conducted (e.g., magazines) so as to adjust or fine-tune your search results, please log in to From there, select the link for "Web News on Demand," and choose the link for "Publication Search" from that menu. From there, find your desired search description, and select the link for "Modify Search." You will then have the option to modify the search term or phrase by altering the text entered into the user-entry area, or to modify the issues or the content type to search, or whether the search is to be conducted in all NFB-NEWSLINE® content or just in your favorite NFB-NEWSLINE® publications. To delete a search item, simply select the link for "Delete Search."

We hope you enjoy this exciting feature, and that it brings additional value to your subscriber experience. If you have any questions, please call us at (866) 504-7300 or send us an e-mail at


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